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How is the Brand Envisaged?

The brand goes through many stages from an abstract idea to tangible product. The envisaging is the story of the people/societies getting an emotional connection to it by turning it into a logo when it is a name. Nükhet Vardar states that all the comments made for brands are similar to the comments about people.

We feel for the brand with comments such as good brand and bad brand, and we give it an identity, or rather, we feel the perception of the identity that has become a part of it as users or customers.

Good Brand – Bad Brand Perception

If brands have an identity like individuals, how are brands formed? The brand’s identity is formed in the perception of the customer after the brand turns into a logo and turns into a service or product. In this case, the shaping efforts of the firm that owns the brand is essential in the formation of the brand. The ‘first’ impression left in the brain of the brand from the brand’s logo, package, stand on the shelf, or service delivery is just like the effect that one person’s clothing has on another person. You like it or you do not, but yo have an impression nonetheless. However, when there is a product or service, even if you do not like it, you can get that service or product. Your purchase will not mean you like it anyway. So if we summarize it, the brand leaves a mark on the perception of the customers with the delivery of the service or product.

Which Doctor Reassures?

After the presentation of the brand, it necessary for the continuity of the brand that it should have left a mark in memory. While making our preferences, we direct our preference with what we remember. We make the choice by associating something with simple qualities of “bad” and “good”. We may buy the unfamiliar one, just by remembering the bad one. The brand must leave a mark at this point.

To Have a Story

There are 20 candidates in a song contest. They all sing their song. But someone has a story: He was imprisoned years ago. Here, we remember only that contestant years after the contest; having a story is important for brands in the same way. From time to time, they talk with an entrepreneur who opens a restaurant. Some have a story. When he was the general manager of thingy holding, he goes to a town in the Aegean and buys a field there. Then all Istanbul residents go to his restaurant. There is always an interesting story behind success. One of the first sparks for the brand to sell the product or service is the brand’s story.

Brand Must Be On The Agenda

To be remembered is also a sine qua non of the brand. ‘To be remembered’ is the basis of both the brand’s investments to date and the brand’s presence in the market in the future. For example, it is literally a brand project “to be remembered” when a famous actress lives her life in front of the papparazzi. The actress who is on the agenda, who is remembered, will be one of the first alternatives that come to mind in the series movie offers. For this reason, brands also carry out advertisements and promtional activities to stay on the agenda.

Brand Differentiation

Are all brands the same? Of course not. When planning a brand, brand owners need to differentiate the brand. Otherwise it will be difficult to appeal to consumers because consumers are also varied. Presentation, advertisement, content, ie all steps of the product should be different in order to be last in the market and to address different customers.

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